"nothing is original. steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows, select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul".................................stolen from - jim jarmusch

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


"the aim of life is self-development. To realise one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for."

oscar wilde

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


two monks

theres an old story about two monks walking along a path when they came to a huge pool of water

on the other side of the pool they saw a young women in a beautiful dress on her way to her wedding. she was wondering how to get across the water without ruining her dress when one of the monks waded through the water picked her up and carried her

she thanked him and they went on her way. the other monk was furious but said nothing until they reached the monastry much later

he said
"why did you carry that women you know we're not even supposed to look at women let alone touch one"

the other replied
"brother i set her down by the side of the river why do you still carry her"

Saturday, March 13, 2010

turn on me

You can fake it for a while,
Bite your tongue and smile,
Like every mother does an ugly child.
But the stars are leaking out,
Like spittle from a cloud,
Amassed resentment counting ounce and pound.

You're entertaining any doubt,
Because you had to know that I was fond of you,
Fond of you,
Though I knew you masked your disdain.
I can see that change was just too hard for us,
Hard for us.
You always had to hold the reigns,
But where I'm headed, you just don't know the way.

So affections fade away,
And do adults just learn to play
The most ridiculous, repulsive games?
On the faith of ruddy sons,
And the double-barreled guns,
You better hurry,
Rabbit, run, run, run.
'Cause meeting you was fun,
And there's a lot of hungry howlers in this one cell.
We're taking it over,
Their brittle, thorny stems,
They break before they bend,
And neither one of us is one of them.

And the tails will never mend,
'Cause you had it in for me so long ago.
Boy, I still don't know,
I don't know why and I don't care,
Well, hardly anymore,
If you'd only seen yourself hating me.
Hating me,
When I've been so much more than fair.
But then you had to lay those feelings bare,
One thing I know still got you scared,
You're all that cold iron,
And never once aired of our dead.

You had to know that I was fond of you,
Fond of you.
So I took your licks at the time,
And to change like that is just so hard to do,
Hard to do.
Don't let it whip-crack your life,
And bow out from the fight,
Those old pious sisters were right
The worst part is over,
Now, get back on that horse and ride.

the shins

Thursday, March 11, 2010


“Sampling is one of the basic operations of the human mind. It does not receive the attention it deserves”

Dr. Pierre Gy Consulting Engineer

I disagree

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Soundwave '10


sound tent

flyin' davey

flyin' saucer


watered down